God’s man with an unquenchable passion to see people of all hues, cultures and economic postures healed, delivered, and set free from anything that hinders them from the fruit-bearing life
His heart is to serve Christ with all of himself and to raise up sons and daughters with an identical bloodline legacy – the priority of Christ in choice, love, and life. His joy is to witness faith activated within the seeking heart and develop into a fruit-filled life, transformed.
The sense of calling to Christian ministry has been his constant companion from a very young age.
Devoted to serving God’s kingdom through loyal fellowship and a variety of leadership appointments for more than two decades, the Spirit’s stirring could no longer be resisted. In 2008 this man of great faith, was ordained as an Elder. This served as the catalyst God used to clarify His call upon Stephon Basnight’s life into pastoral leadership.
The next few years were ripe with qualifying seasons and moments of rich communion with God, a deepening in his unconditional love for seekers and believers as well as garnering a sharper sense of what God is looking for to make a greater impact in this multi-faceted culture we live in. Stephon’s response, the 2021 founding of Thriving Faith Community Church in Durham, NC. He and his co-pastor wife of more than two decades, Kimberley Basnight, lead this exciting community-oriented fellowship of Christian believers. It is his privilege to shepherd this gathering of souls to integrate and positively impact every spheres of influence within the larger local community as well as the global marketplace for the kingdom of God.